Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Warm Gift

     I've been blessed with many friendships here in Malawi.  I have friends from all over the world that found themselves here for one reason or another whether it be mission work, business, or relatives.  In the world of charity, funding is something that is always in the back of our minds as we look to find ways to make our projects sustainable.  

     One night I get a message out of the blue from my friend Rachel, telling me my other friend Brierly is trying to get a hold of me.  I call Brierly wondering what is so urgent and she tells me one of HER friends did a walkathon here in Blantyre and raised more money than expected and wanted to know which organizations to give it to.  Gladly I phoned her and we met the next morning.  I let her know it is cold season coming up and many of the kids at the center either don't have a blanket or have blankets so worn and torn there are more holes than fibers.  She nods, thanks me for meeting her, and a few days later she has 150 blankets for our center.  

     The next day cold season hit and the temperature dropped unexpectedly.  God's timing is awesome. We take a big stack of blankets to the center to distribute them to the vulnerable children.  We bring them out in groups to avoid toddler chaos and they sit on the floor wondering what is happening.  I hand the children blankets one by one and some light up immediately and some hold it in disbelief or unknowing that the blanket in their hands is actually theirs to keep.  

     The way these kids held these blankets is difficult to describe.  They ran their fingers across them like they were the softest blankets they ever touched (despite them being a little coarse).  They smashed their face into them and held them like they were holding a warm friend.  It was a display of affection that showed me how much love and attention these kids are deprived of and need so desperately.  

The women made them repeat a few times so they knew for sure "This is my blanket."